Last night an appointment letter purportedly written by the President to the Public Services Commission made circulations on social media platforms alleging the proposed appointments of new administration at Kampala Capital City Authority.
In the proposed appointments, the President had dropped Authority’s Acting ED ENG Andrew Kitaka, his Deputy Samuel Sserunkuma and three others. The proposed leaders will have to first undergo interviews. These includes;
Ms. Dorothy Kisaka appointed new KCCA ED, She will be deputised by Eng.David Luyimbazi Ssali. Lord Mayor’s deputy Sarah Kanyike for Director Gender, Community Services and Grace Akullo for Human Resource and administration.
Don Wanyama, the Presidential Senior Press Secretary confirmed the news. He however wondered about who leaked the letter since the information was still kept on the confidentiality of the state.
He added that the changes in the leadership of the KCCA are mere transfers not sacking of workers as reported in the media.
According to the leaked letter, the newly proposed administrators will first undergo a scrutinization and other vacant positions be advertised.
“We have used integrity hunting to identify the personsabove. With regards to all the other vacant positions, they should be filled by advertising, utilizing your system. You should do the interviewing for KCCA,” reads the part of the letter.
Esther Mbayo, the Minister for Presidency also confirmed the news.
ENG Kitaka, and the other officials still uphold their offices until the proposed appointees are verified.
When vetted by the commission, Dorothy Kisaka will takeover as the Executive Director KCCA while ENG Andrew Kitaka shall remain at the Authority as the head of the physical planning department.