Ever been promoted at the job,salary increment,got public praises,awarded for your hard work by your employees and colleague employees. People getting less than you might grow up Jealousy emotions towards you! Jealousy is a general term referring to thoughts or feelings of insecurity,fear,concern,envy over relative lack of possessions,status,personal values in reference to a comparator.
Organizational Employees are frequently affected by workplace jealousy merging from fellow employees and if an organizations Management does not take up immediate actions, Jealousy may harm the effective operations of the organizations.
Honestly, jealousy at work places is commonly amongst employees towards fellow employee(s) within the same company.
In this Article, THE PARROTS feature reporter, shares with us the causes of jealousy at work places and how it can be dealt with. Take a breath, get ready to find out why your oganisation is faced with jealousy,discover the problem cause, you are soon dealing with jealousy and you are to be a jealousy-free employee/employer.
Welcome from a coffee break.! the causes of jealousy at work places are as highlighted below:
Salary indifference- most organizations have different salary scales for their employees which should be kept HR confidentiality and the employees. Employees grow more jealousy after learning of how less they are paid than their counterparts who may be less productive when compared to them.
- Management Tool- Jealous in some organisations is looked at as a managerial tool.Employers use employees to clandestinely do espionage roles against each other.Employers gear jealous! this may turn into job insecurity and threat to lives of workers.
- Nature & Nurture– Some people naturally talk big unto others and others were brought up in a jealousy environment.Such elements cannot easily get out of them.They are good promoters of jealousy.
- Education indifference-this is a vice in companies that employ semi-&skilled labourers. The less Educated persons whistle blow against the educated ones in a name of covering up their Education gap so as they retain & maintain their positions.
- Favouritism-Employees greed for appraisals and accreditation such as promotions,awards than compared to those on their status causes jealousy towards other employees.Also,unfair promotions,praises in organisations based on sex,relations,race and not on individuals merit cause jealousy at work places.
These are major causes of jealousy at workplaces although some authors may come up with more other causes that are not presented below.. Jealousy in an organization/at workplaces is not an end and does not mean you are to be sacked from your job or your company is to close. Its much easier for an organisation/Employee to deal with Jealous just as it is simpler to grow it.
Mark Swartz in his Article Titled: “How to deal with jealousy at work places” shares with us the steps we can follow up to overcome jealousy in an organisation/ at workplaces.
Save the Bragging For Outside Of Work
Sure you toiled hard to earn recognition. You deserve to be proud of your achievements. Be careful though not to come across as arrogant. Boasting will raise the hackles of covetous co-workers.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t advertise your success (at work, on social media). Just keep it factual and simple. A measure of modesty can blunt potential criticism.
On The Other Hand, Don’t Apologize
It’s natural to feel humbled by a wonderful career development. But those who didn’t get rewarded don’t want to hear how undeserving you feel. Chances are they might agree, and start pointing out your perceived weaknesses.
Offer To Teach, Not Ridicule
It isn’t fun to be resented for doing well. You might be tempted to lash out and say “Hey, if you just did your job and learned to play the game, you wouldn’t be so overlooked.” Not an endearing tactic.
Instead, offer helpful advice to those who seem most resentful. Explain how you figured out the ropes. Make suggestions on how they too can improve their skills. After that it’s not about you anymore – it’s about them developing their own career.
Make Strategic Friends
To counteract envious frenemies and detractors, build strong allies in the right places. They’ll be your supporters when push comes to shove. Also they can open doors for you and give your requests for project assistance priority.
Continue Meeting the Needs Of Decision Makers
Not everyone you work with will celebrate your prominence. So stay focused: you’ve achieved recognition because people who dole out rewards appreciate you. Worry less about what jealous teammates think and keep your eye on decision makers.
Deal With Trouble Makers
Envy can drive some people to behave badly. You may become the victim of gossip, exclusion, or sabotage (either subtle or in-your-face).
Serious offenders should be spoken to discreetly. Say to them, privately, “I’ve noticed a rift between us and I wanted to see where you’re coming from.” This way you encourage them to speak honestly without triggering defensiveness.
If necessary, highlight the fact that their conduct may damage the team’s overall performance. Offer to cooperate on coming up with mutually agreeable ways forward.theparrots08.blogspot.com
Flip It Around
When your star is rising, the jealous might feel left behind. Meanwhile you’re gaining the power to make them feel included. What if you were to reach out and acknowledge them?
You could compliment their efforts during a cubicle walk-by. Or give them a shout-out in an email, on social media, in project team meetings, etc. They might become allies, wanting to be associated with your growing clout.
Don’t Take It Personally
In any company there will usually be some underachievers, competitors and haters. Driven by workplace jealousy they might try to bring you down to their level.
That’s the nature of office politics. Shrug it off unless it becomes a problem. Then deal with it and move on.
The arc of your progress will invariably attract attention. Bask in the positive and be prepared to deal with any hecklers.
Now that you have learnt about the causes of jealousy at workplaces and in organisations, Jealousy at workplaces is a no longer a mourn at factor affecting employees and their organisations/employers they work for.For it can easily be dealt with.Relax, Jealousy is a no pest destroying your job,position and or organisation.
Till then, I remain, AKIDA PARROTS. theparrots08.blogspot.com