By Mukama Phillip Kahigiriza
Pope Francis critized laws that criminalize homosexuality as ‘unethical’, saying God loves all his children just as they are and called on Catholic Bishops who support the laws to welcome LGBTQ individuals into the church.
In an exclusive interview held on Tuesday, 24th 2023 with His Holiness Pope Francis in the Vatican with the associated press He clearly stated that ‘ Being homosexual is not a crime but rather a sin’ And since then, different media houses have come up to attack the Pope’s saying with severe misconception and ignorance as the saying holds concrete catechecatical , philosophical , dogmatical ,and doctrinical values basing on the Christianity point of view.
The Pope’s point has left masses of persons in a state of dilemma causing even most journalists to ponder and reflect on the matter, but however, from Catholic doctrinical view,’ Yahweh is a sinner loving God but a sin hating God’ meaning that we must welcome sinners, counsel them, educate them and later condemn the immoral act [sin] in them other than discriminating them , abandoning them , segregating them and neglecting them which creates no room for the church to be closer to the victims for healing and deliverances of the act.
Furthermore, a crime is any act against a country’s or states’ laws where as a sin is any immoral act against God’s will. Much as most European states have legalized LGBTQ its then no longer a crime to their state but it still stands as a sin and which the church must condemn. Homosexuality has not been a recent vice but it has however existed for centuries, which incepted with the cities of Sodom and Gomorah in Israel and the church has been severely vital on curbing the vice among the world.
The Pope’s message comes after the rampart increase and participation of gays and gay vices in the society ranging from schools, offices ,prisons , and some upcoming churches that has prompted him as the pillar of Christianity to act as a device of curbing the vices among the individual victims.
The vice has been also inculcated and its still being developed and drove into Africa through different sponsorships , donations and grants with the vice stringes . One would ask, ’Hasn’t the government been aware of the situation all along?’ But the ideal is that some politicians in our governments are the financial benefectors of the vice in our African continent .
We recall some of the pariamental meetings about the vice and some of our own elected pariamenterians were insupport of the act where as others stood by their Christian virtues and ethics.
Recently the deputy speaker of Parliament of Uganda the Rt. Hon Thomas Tayebwa came out to condemn these acts and pledged to fight till such vices are no more in Ugandan schools.
We as the Christian journalists and vibrant youth, shall not accept the bad to get worse and the voiceless to remain voiceless , we stand firm by our Christian virtues to condemn , degrade , up root the vice in the entire world, it has so many problems in inflinges to the victims who are our next Africa and the world at large. Should we accept to lose our next generation pope’s, clergy men , presidents , parliamentarians , civil servants over homosexuality ? Not at all, ofcourse the same way Abraham pleaded for Israelites to God and he succeded his mission,
I stand out too , to continue the mission to save the world for the better tomorrow, we wish to see genuine governments and different organizations come out to sponsor the sensitization of the dangers of homosexuality to chase it out of the world and we regain our innocent souls that are won by material gains to be in the act.