Bugangaizi East Member of Parliament Hon Onesmus Twinamatsiko Kanagisa has asked threatened to sue Vision Group for defamatory publications by listing his name among the worst performing MPs in the 10th Parliament.
Twinamatsiko’s bitter words follows the parliamentary Scorecard publications by the New Vision in which the excellent(75-100%), good (50-74%), fair (25-49%) and poor (below25%) performing legislators in the 3rd session of the 10th parliament were graded. He (Twinamatsiko) was mentioned among the worst performing MPs in the 10th Parliament.
He threatened to sue Vision Group for irresponsible reporting and defamation stating that the move deliberately targets to tarnish his image as 2021 elections are coming nearer.
“I’m considering to take legal actions, New Vision wants to deliberately tarnish my credibility in the eyes of the electorates especially at the time when the country is in preparation for the general elections,” he said.
He wants the paper to apologize to him or else he seeks for court redress.
In March2018, a video clip attributed to MP Twinamatsiko allegedly supporting Violence against women made circulations in the media something that attracted public criticism against the legislator’s conducts.
His comments followed days after President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni castigated men who batter their wives whom he referred to as “fools” while addressing a mammoth who had come to celebrate the 8th March International Women’s Day at Busuubizi in Mityana district.
The then Uganda Police Force PRO Emilian Kayima condemned the utterances of MP Twinamatsiko and asked the Speaker of Parliament to look into the matters and discipline her legislator.
Owing to the much pressure exterted from the members of the public, feminists, activists and human rights defenders, MP Twinamatsiko withdrew the statements and apologized to the women race insisting that his statement was misinterpreted.