By Lozio Tamale
The Manager and head of office of National Chairman(ONC) NRM Hajjati Hadijah Namyalo has requested fellow leaders at the NRM secretariat not to mess with the NRM registration process.
She made the remarks n Wednesday when she was monitoring the NRM voters registration exercise in areas of Kampala where she met with party members who complained about irregularities in the registration exercise.

They complained that many people who turned up for registration found out that their names were missing in the yellow books while others had their names repeated several times.
Registration and update of the NRM members’ register commenced today 13th March and it is expected to end on 17th March, 2024.
The party expects to register an estimated number of between 17 million to 20 million members who will see NRM winning the 2026 elections.

Having listened to the complaints about the exercise, Namyalo urged the registrars and the party secretariat not to mess with Museveni’s Yellow book because this may cost party’s political strength. She said tampering with the registers may let down the president yet the exercise is meant to promote him and the party.
It has also been established that in some areas where the exercise was taking place, the registrars were not well facilitated. During her monitoring visits, Namyalo established that some people who have been deployed to carry out the exercise were facilitated with only Shs10,000/- (ten thousand Uganda shillings) which caters for breakfast , lunch and transport something that is unfair given to the workload they have. She pledged to visit more places to monitor how the exercise is being done.