By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
Parental Care Primary School in Bushenyi district in southwestern Uganda, other primary schools from Kampala City have excelled highly in this year’s National Primary school music dance and drama festive competitions.

Over 90 primary schools participated in the MDD festival organized by NIRA,UNICEF, and the Ministry of Education and sports at Mbale SS in Mbale City, where they showcased talents in drama ,creative dance, story telling, traditional folk songs among other activities.
Nakivubo Primary, Clevers’ Origin PS all from Kampala and Parental Care primary school from bushenyi emerged victorius after scoring 1475 ,1422 and 1378 points, respectively.
During the competition, pupils emphasized the need for registration of every child in Uganda at birth and to obtain a NIN. This was done through creative music, drama and poetry performances.
Parental Care PS Bushenyi was also awarded for being among the best performer in creative dance.
Hamza Banja, Deputy Resident City Commissioner, Industrial Division in Mbale City commended participating schools for using MDD to sensitize communities the importance of registration.
The Director of Parental Care PS, Yebaza Mukama Trevor attributed their good performance to students and teachers’ hard work. He said the school is committed to identify and develop learners talents through promoting Co-Curricular Activities alongside academic inorder to nurture responsible children and national citizens.