The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has revealed that students from over 2,400 Examination centres are likely to miss out on next year’s National Examination across the country due to failure of schools to submit in candidates’ registration data.
In a statement released by UNEB on Friday, a number of learners both at Primary, Secondary and Post Secondary levels have not yet been registered with the examination body likely to missout on the forthcoming exams.
The highest of these are according to UNEB at Primary LeavingExaminations where only 1,396 out of 13,966 examination centres have already submitted in candidates’ details. Out of 3,640 examination centres at UCE centres, 546 are yet to register and 497 out of 2,164 UACE centres are yet to submit candidates’ names for registry.
The board’s chairman Dan Odongo said a total of 2,440 examination centres could out on examination next year if they do not meet the required deadlines on Monday November 30.
He said that no late registration will be allowed past the set deadline.
“After Monday, we will not be allowing any more details. There will be no late registration this time around,” Dan Odongo cautioned.
In the past, UNEB would a leeway of late registration (surcharges) worth Ugx 100,000, but the board chairman cautioned that this will not be allowed since the board has a limited time.
It is recalledthatt UNEB cancelled the 2020 AY examination for candidate classes after schools were closed down in March this year due to the outbreak of coronavirus.
UNEB has since set March, 2021 as the period for the National Examination