If these assumptions go right, we are likely to have another war of words between team Cindy and the Sheebaholics.
This comes after Cindy Sanyu lately made a post on her Instagram that is said to be directed to the Team No Sleep artiste. According to the ‘Boom party’ singer, she doesn’t understand women who bash men but have male managers, male promoters, and makeup artists.
“I don’t get women who are constantly bashing men when their whole world is sponsored by men. For your business you have a male manager, male promoters and even makeup artist then you turn around and say women should be independent??? Oh please….. I say men should be encouraged to take their place and women to do the same #WeAllNeedEachOther #TeamWork #togetherness,” the post reads.
All along, The swag mama has been advocating for the independence of women and made it clear that she is a feminist. So could have this post been directed to her?
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