By Leonard Kamugisha Akida and Watera,
Its an English adage that disabity is not inability and the UCE 2020 results have proved wrong anybody despising one of their physical or invisible disabilities that they in stead need a special care to explore and exploit their talents.
Elaju Daniel, a blind student from Iganga district in Busoga region, is a talk of the country after UACE 2020 results showed that he is among the best students in UACE nationwide.
According to Dan Nokrach Odongo, the Uneb Executive Director, Elaju, a special need student with blindness from Iganga SS is the best candidate among candidates with special needs who sat for the UACE 2020 exams.
He scored A, A, A in History, Christian Religious Education and Literature in English (HLD) respectively, and Subsidiary passes in General Paper and Computer Studies.
Nokrach said the best dyslexic candidate is Akantambira Shiphra from Bweranyangi Girls School with B, B, B in Entrepreneurship Education, Economics and Literature in English respectively and subsidiary passes in General Paper and Subsidiary Mathematics.
Namwase Rinnah Marion from Mbale Progressive SS is the best deaf candidate who scored C, E, C in History, Entrepreneurship Education and Christian Religious Education respectively, and subsidiary passes in General Paper and Computer Studies.
Kayira Reese Terah from Hilton High School is the best physically handicapped candidate who scored C, A, C in Mathematics, Art and Building Drawing respectively, and subsidiary passes in General Paper and Computer Studies.