By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
Male candidates who sat for 2023 Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) have performed better than their female counterparts accord to results announced today by Uganda National Examinations Board UNEB at State House Lodge Nakasero.
Daniel Odongo, the UNEB Executive Director, said whereas girls performed better than boys in the English subject, boys recorded a better passed performance in other three subjects and general performance as they recorded a lower failure rate.

According to the results released, 47,452 (13.26%) males passed with Division One compared to 39,130 (9.99%) females who passed in the same Division. The male candidates in Division Two are 164,906 (46.09%) compared to 171,601 43.8%) girls.
“The number of boys in Division Three are 69,870 (19.53%) compared to 86,420 (22.07%) girls. A total number of 49,926 (12.75%) girls failed the exams compared to 38,346 (10.72%) boys,” showed UNEB statistics.

A total number of 736,931 Sat for PLE in 2023 compared to 811,816 who sat for PLE in 2022. Of these, 86,582 (11.8%) passed in Division One, the majority of them boys while 88,269 failed the exams. Statistics obtained from UNEB data also indicated that a total number of 12,323 candidates of 749,347 candidates who had registered to sit for PLE 2023 were absent and therefore did not sit for exams. UNEB however recorded a drop in the number of absent candidates compared to the last five years.
“The percentage of absentees in 2023 dropped with the lowest level over the last five years,” Dan Odongo, the UNEB Executive Director remarked.