Lozio Tamale
The return of Bryan White!!! He is set to revive his charity foundation but in a unique way.

In one of his first media engagements held ever since he returned in the country, Brian noted that he was surprised that for all the period he has been away, very few of the people including those that claimed to be his friends could remember him.
“I am one of the Ugandans who got opportunity to experience how the situation will be after my death. If I had died , I realized that no body was going to remember me to the extent that no body will take an extra effort to extend assistance to my family since for all this period I have been away no body has done it.” Revealed Brian
He also pointed out the he was surprised to see that all his ‘associates’ shying away from knowing him wherever they could be asked anything about him during media interviews.

“Helping starts from with in the heart, eversince I came back to the country, I have been reluctant to address the media because I needed some time to recover from the trauma I have been through. But since I had promised to do something as soon as I return in the country, there is no way I would have returned and stayed away from the cameras.”
“I did a lot in improving Mose Radio’s burial ground in Kaga but unfortunately all those who have been visiting that place no body even recognized me for such great work. I am only remaining with organizing Radio’s last funeral rites and I promise to do it as soon as possible,” added Kirumira.
He however reminded those who have been waiting for free money from him that this time he will not be splashing money as it was in the past, but he will be assisting them in uplifting their standards of living.