By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
Buyanja My Roots, a community based initiative in Rukungiri is seeking for funds worth UShs 68million to extend healthcare services to Health Centres in Buyanja sub-county Rukungiri district.
This was disclosed on Thursday during the association’s press briefing at Kati Kati restaurant in Kampala.
The campaign follow consultations with the hospital managements and other stakeholders to minimise on the health gaps identified by the association during their 2019 health camp in the area.
The campaign chief mobiliser, Dr. Adrian Bainebyabo Bwankwindi says in 2019, the association identified health gaps such as; inadequate maternity beds, mattresses, general patient beds to mention but a few which prompted their doctors hold consultations during which, items to be purchased were costed.
“The items include maternity beds, general patient beds, mattresses, outreach/ waiting room tents, feotal dopplers, infrared thermometers, refrigerators, staff gum boots and aprons, security lighting, rain water harvesting and solar power installations. The items’ total cost is Ugx 68,000,000 (Sixty eight million only).” Dr. Adrian Bainebyabo Bwankwindi said.
He said items will be extended to Buyanja Health Center III and Kasheshe Health Center III, both in Buyanja Rukungiri district.

Buyanja HCIII and Kasheshe HCIII serve approximately 50,000 people with approximately 30,000 people below the age of 18 years in Buyanja Sub County and Buyanja Town Council. The facilities also serve neighbouring communities of Nyakinengo in Nyakagyeme subcounty, parts of Kebisoni subcounty, Nyamayenje and Marumba areas of Rukungiri Municipality.
In an exclusive interview with Parrots UG reporter, Allan Asinguza Mutemba, the association chairperson stressed that the campaign will first cover health centre IIIs (Buyanja HCIII and Kasheshe HCIII) and thereafter will be extended to Health Centre IIs.
“When we are done with this, we shall be able to know that the services have improved and we shall go to Health Centre IIs,” he said.
The association urges all good willed people, members of Parliament from Rukungiri district and corporate bodies to join them in the cause to improve health services in the area.
Bank account details at Buyanja SACCO and Mobile Money transaction numbers have been provided for all kind persons to donate their financial and material contributions.
HOW TO DONATE: Send your contributions direct to: Buyanja My Roots Bank A/C No. B0005298 held at Buyanja SACCO (send transaction message to Ham).
OR Mobile Money
MTN: (+256) 772 663 974 – Ham Akampurira.
AIRTEL: 0755 775 533 -Asinguza Allan Peter.

On transparency and accountability, Allan Asinguza has disclosed that the association operates in eight (8) online whatsapp groups where members’ contributions are publicly communicated on a weekly basis one way of ensuring honesty.
“We are in partnership with the local authorities, health management committees and have a team of healthworkers who understand public health standards. We pledge to procure first class standard items to the health centres,” he added.
The campaign to raise funds is on-going and the association is hopeful that items will be procured and physically handed over to the health center(s) management and local leaders in a public ceremony in Buyanja on 27th December 2021.
About Buyanja My Roots:
Established in November 2018, Buyanja My Roots is a free & open entry voluntary and community initiative in Buyanja sub-county Rukungiri district.
The association currently has a membership of over 1,500 members (born, raised, migrated and/or married into Buyanja in Rukungiri District).
Activities of the association are however supported by people of good will from across Rukungiri and outside districts.