Fr Br Anatooli Wasswa, a catholic priest and Bbanakalooli Brothers member who also practised as a herbalist is dead
Fr Anatoli Wasswa reportedly passed on last night at St. Charles Lwanga hospital, Kyotera at the age of 96 years.
He is famously known of making herbal medicine acceptable to the general public.
This was at first opposed by many many people who associated it with witchcraft and primitivity.
Born in Singo County, Kigo village in present-day Kyotera district in 1927, Fr Br Anatooli started school near home, before moving to Kiteredde, still in Kyotera District to become a seminarian.
In 1948, he became a Brother before enrolling at Busuubizi Teachers’ Training College in Mityana. He also served as an accountant at the Congregation of Bannakalooli Brothers for 12 years. He was ordained a priest at Katigondo in 1978, and has written a number of books including Unveiling witchcraft, which tells of the secret world of sorcery.
Fr. Br Anatooli has been severally applauded for his herbal works by religious and political leaders like President Museveni and some of the emeritus Popes.
His death comes just few days when the Catholic church across the world is mourning the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who passed on December 31.