A 2013 study by the International Women’s Media Foundation indicated that, almost two-thirds of female journalists have been sexually harassed or abused on the job. The study found that the harassment ranged from verbal abuse to intimidation and physical violence. And most women never discussed what happened.
However, this was not the case with Peace Bridget Apio, a Radio Journalist working with Lira based 88.0 FM Voice of Lango in the northern part of Uganda.
After her graduation in 2017, Apio started her journalism career at a certain radio station in Lira where she was working as a news reporter and anchor sometimes before moving to Voice of Lango.
As a young and unsure journalist, she was a victim of sexual harassment and discomfort from a male colleague at the radio station. Not scared of the career suicide she was risking, Apio couldn’t swallow the discomfort but rather reported the incident to the administration.
“I reported him to the management and we were called for disciplinary action and the guy was punished accordingly,” Apio revealed.
“During the disciplinary committee, the management also revealed that in the past months female employees were resigning under unclear circumstances and my voice was an eye opener,” she added.
From her experience, Apio elaborates that being in media takes courage especially for a girl-child. She says the first challenge is always from parents with rigid perception about the journalism profession.
The traditional thinking that women in media do not get married and are wasted is one that the progressing journalist in Apio can’t tolerate.
“Your behaviour and conduct as a girl child will speak volumes, knowing what you want and what you are capable of will drive you on to break stereotypes,” she noted.
In a bid to move up in ranks and gain more power, Apio was elected as the local council five Female youth councilor for Kole District during the 2021 general elections. Through this position, she advocates for the rights of the girl child and also encourage them to know their purpose.
“As a leader, I believe it is everyone’s role to make sure that every girl’s voice is heard! The boy child should not be ignored in the same cause,” Apio believes.

As she makes seven years in the proffession, she notes that some ladies have taken the media as a means of exposing themselves out for trade.
Such characters have portrayed a negative perception about the proffession and also given men a go a head to disrespect women.
“I urge young girls to be women of intergrity who will change the mindset of the society for a better tomorrow and work hard in building our country,”
As women continue to celebrate their month, Apio advises fellow young women to be women of intergrity who will change the mindset of the society for a better tomorrow and work so hard in building the society that respects women.
“Let’s report any sexual harassment in our work places, if you got the job in a clean way then there is no way you should sit and watch yourself being tortured by the other gender. We all need equal treatment and respect at our work places,” urged Apio.
Sexual harassment against women can not be justified and it’s everyone’s role to create a violence free community where women do not feel marginalized or hide the shame as they endure harassment. Let’s break the bias!