By Kamugisha Leonard Akida,
Following media reports that the electoral commission had approved an electoral program for the local council and women’s council elections, the commission chair , Justice Byabakama Mugenyi, denied issuing such a program stating that the circulating document was a prototype subjected to discussion before approval and therefore the reports were false and misleading.
“Media houses are circulating a program claiming that it is the approved electoral program, which is not true. The Commission has established that the said electoral program is an internal working document (prototype) that was shared before approval,” said Byabakama.
Byabakama’s announcement brings disappointment to many candidates who had already started preparations for the elections. The Democratic Party, in particular, expressed concern that people were getting fed up with the current LC1 and 2 leaders, and urged the EC to approve the roadmap soon.
According to UYD President and Ag Party Spokesperson for Democratic party (DP) Kiirya Ismail, the people are eagerly waiting for change, and the roadmap should provide sufficient time for candidates to prepare.
Despite the denial, the EC did not give a timeframe for the approval of the roadmap. The LC1, 2 and women council elections are crucial because they are the foundation of Uganda’s political system. They are the lowest level of elected representatives, and therefore, play a significant role in shaping governance at the grassroots level.