By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
The Democratic Party (DP) has called on the government and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) to establish a smart way to organize the Boda Boda industry in Kampala to minimize on crimes.
“Last time we saw members of parliament with the deputy speaker n Rwanda admiring how Boda Bodas in that country are organized, why don’t they return and organize the industry at home?” DP said.

Fred Mwesigwa, the press secretary to DP president said on Tuesday that criminals are using Boda bodas to terrorize Ugandans. This is after assailants travelling on a Boda Boda attacked and killed Eng. Lwomwa Daniel, the Ndiga clan head in Buganda Kingdom on Sunday evening.
DP suggests that the government and other stakeholders should carryout operations to crackdown all motorcyclists with nonregistered motorcycles because criminals are using them to commit wrongful acts.
Mwesigwa also challenged opposition politicians to stop politicking in the issue to sanitize Boda Boda industry in Uganda. He said whenever the government proposes to create sanity in the industry, some voices from opposition leaders are heard fighting the move something he calls playing immature politics.
“And we in the opposition, let us not fight the move to organise Boda Bodas. When you go to Mulago hospital in the emergency ward and see patients due to Boda Boda accidents, you may end up stopping to use Boda Bodas,” Mwesigwa urged.