By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
Whereas the government says establishment of Seed Schools in various parts of the country and recruitment of teachers in existing and newly opening Seed schools, the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) party challenges that the policy does not guarantee quality education system to the country’s children.
“Having SEED Schools and recruitment of teachers alone is not enough guarantee of quality education service to our children as evidenced by the continued impasse in the education sector,” UPC said.

Muzeyi Faizo,the head of media and communications at UPC secretariat says while establishment of Seed schools is undeniably important to provide access to education, holistic education is not only confined in bringing schools closer to people but also encompasses refinement of the whole system.
This follows government announcement to recruit over 3,500 teachers for the existing Seed Schools and those that are due to open up across the country. Muzeyi opines that it’s the responsibility of the government to provide a conducive learning environment for learners. He called for implementation of the recommended students teacher ration, establishment of modern teaching facilities among others.
But, UPC insists that the government should consider using a holistic approach to provide quality education such as engaging with teachers in their unions to work out reasonable conditions of service, retaining the man-power through in-service training as well as ensuring availability of necessary instructional materials in schools.
“UPC, therefore, calls for a holistic approach to shape our education system that will provide quality and equitable education service to our people in the country,” said Muzeyi Faizo.