By Modern Muhereza,
¶There is no substantial scientific research that people are born gay. Homosexuality is a developmental condition, not principally about sex, but about gender identity. In short, homosexuals are made (nurtured) and, not born¶ says Muhereza
Over the Past weeks, Ugandan Parliament and citizens have been engrossed in the Homosexuality debate. This emanated from a move by Bugiri Municipality MP to table a bill dubbed “The Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 2023” which in his explanation is to establish a comprehensive and enhanced legislation to protect the traditional family by prohibiting sexual relations and marriage between persons of the same sex.
The Bill which was passed today (March 21) by parliament also seeks to protect children and youth who are made vulnerable to sexual abuse through homosexuality and related acts.
A lot of stakeholders which included, clerics, alleged sodomised victims, professors etc were invited to weigh in their thoughts towards the bill.
However, President Museveni initially having been vocal and unequivocal in his dissent towards homosexuality, this time while addressing parliament in Kololo last week to the surprise of many seemed a bit tolerant and brought in another perspective to the debate by asking whether this act is by Nature or Nurture.
Sometimes “natural” refers to design. Something is natural if it is functioning the way it was designed to function. But homosexual behaviour isn’t natural in this sense, either it goes against the natural function of the body. Male and female bodies can fit together naturally because their genes have fashioned their sexual anatomies to complement one another. Their reproductive organs work together harmoniously to produce new humans—a clear indication that natural design favours heterosexual rather than homosexual unions.

Decades of scientific research have failed to find a “gay gene” or a sole biological cause for same-sex attraction. The American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and even gay researchers recognize that homosexuality cannot be reduced to biology alone. Instead, they acknowledge that social factors seem to play a key role in the development of homosexuality thus unknowingly acknowledging that it’s Nurtured. No evidence suggests that it’s natural for some people to be born gay.
Some Gay activists have reasoned that homosexuality is natural because some animals tend to have homosexual tendencies but this can’t substantiate the claim because some animals tend to have cannibal tendencies but we cannot make an integral conclusion that they are naturally cannibals.
“There is no substantial scientific research that People are Born gay. Homosexuality is a developmental condition, not principally about sex, but about gender identity. In short, homosexuals are made (nurtured) and, not born”.