“I used to know you as a strict mom or perhaps I thought you as a big meanie during my teenage hood. Certainly, I was wrong mom,” Muhumuza confesses.
A famous English adage goes; “The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved. Women who live bravely, both tender and fierce. Women of indomitable will.” this anonymous statement is what every feminist reflects on to celebrate, applaud the efforts of strong and powerful women who have done greater things in society.
As the world joyously celebrate the International Women’s Day (IWD) today, Parrots UG Senkyu Nyabo #senkyuNyabo caught up with Daniel Muhumuza, Mbarara University graduate to share experience on a strong woman in his life.
• Women’s day is an international celebration celebrated on March8 each year. This year’s international theme for IWD2021 is; ” Choose To Challenge” meant to empower women and girls embrace challenge in their lives since they cause changes.
Recalling his childhood experience, Muhumuza says he used to think that his mother, Mrs. Kobusingye Veneranda was a strict, mean mother not until he became a grown up and realised that she was preparing him for the future.
“I used to know you as a strict mom or perhaps I thought you as a big meanie during my teenage hood. Certainly, I was wrong mom,” Muhumuza confesses.
“It was because you wanted us to grow into useful and more responsible people,” he added
The 2019 graduate says his mother’s sacrifices, parental love have bonded together their family a character that makes her a world’s bestie mother.
“You gave birth to two incredibly handsome boys and four incredibly beautiful girls. You have raised and nurtured us well besides all the ups and downs, you have raised us to be a loving and supporting family. You have made endless sacrifices to make us smile, you have even sacrificed your happiness just to see us happy. You are just one of kind, you are unique. You have loved me un conditionally. Your love has glued us together as a family. Up to now I still call you in triumph and sorrows, you are still a source of wisdom and happiness. I will never be able to count your myriad blessings, you are a modern-day superhero, you are an embodiment of resilience.”
Muhumuza pledges to look after his mother and women in his community noting that he has learnt so much from the womankind.

Women’s Day Message to Mom Kobusingye Veneranda: It is because of you that I have the vision to reach for my dreams, and the grit to push through challenges that are in my way. Thank you for making me strong. You are the best mom one could ever have; you deserve an entire parade! You have been pretty amazing. you put up with our absurd shenanigans and you do it with smile and zero judgment. You have taught us all every emotion- happiness, sadness, fear, love, anger, helplessness, compassion, excitement, joy and sorrow. Thank you so much mom, “Webaare Munonga,” “Asante sana mama,” “Eyalama noi noi noi Mama,” I love, We love you so much.
Muhumuza Daniel is among the MUST convocation prize winners of 2019.
On this special occasion of International Women’s Day, the world celebrate women around the world who have been a source of inspiration for others and the transformation they have brought within the society by uplifting the stature of their kind worldwide.