Management at Joint Medical Stores has said it has lost equipment worth 7 billion shillings to the fire that caught one of their warehouses earlier today.
The fire gutted stores housing Star Pharmaceuticals Limited, Joint Medical Stores (JMS) and Mi-Tech, an electronics assembling company located on 5th street, in Industrial area Kampala.
Eye witnesses say the fire started from a corridor where the welding was happening between 11 and 11:30am.
“It started at around at around 11:45 am in a single room with boxes where they were welding. They tried to use their emergency extinguisher but it was spreading because of the wind. Then it spread to the JMS that also has boxes of medicines and then to the Mi-tech store that has lots of plastics.”
“It was around 11:30am. We saw the fire in the Joint Medical Stores. They were welding and the fire sparked. They did not notice it at first but the fire brigade took long to come and everything has perished,” said Zahara Nakazibwe, who works with Mi-Tech.
Bildard Baguma, the executive director JMS, says about Shs7billion worth of equipment and medicines was lost in the fire.

He said unspecified number of ICU beds, drugs and other items were also destroyed in the fire.
Police fire brigade and Red cross emergency team were by press time on the ground to extinguish the fires. No casualties had been recorded by presser time.