By Ambrose Gahene,
Lions Club Kampala Central has embarked on a blood donation campaign in schools to save lives of Ugandans in dire need of blood transfusion in various Hospitals and Health facilities across the country.

Lion Emelda Twongyeirwe, Kampala Central Lions Club President, on Monday told Journalists at the blood donation drive at Bethany High School, Naalya in Kira Municipality, that they have kick started the blood donation campaign in schools because that is where many young people are concentrated and of the age bracket they require.
“Apart from blood donation campaigns, Lions Club Kampala Central is also engaged in other humanitarian activities such as; environment conservation through tree planting, diabetes and eye sight screening health camps among others”, said Lion Twongeirwe.

She said blood donation is a very crucial issue at the moment as there are many patients in need of blood in Hospitals and Health facilities, where some have been reported to lose their lives due to lack of blood.
She attributed road carnage, brought about by reckless motorcycle riders and other motor vehicle drivers as major causes of blood loss in accident victims.
She called on members of the public to always donate blood because it’s a humanitarian gesture to save lives, which also comes with added advantages including free health checkups for anyone who has volunteered to donate.
She added that; Lions Club Kampala Central has been carrying out blood donation campaigns in schools, industries and factories, trading centers and boda boda stages, which are among the centers where blood donation exercises were carried out before the covid-19 outbreak.
Lions Club Kampala Central is part of Lions Clubs of Uganda District 411B. They are a member of the International Association of Lions Clubs (Lions Clubs International, (LCI), which is the largest and most active voluntary organization in the world, with a membership of over 1.4 million men and women in more than 46,000 clubs, and more than 210 countries and geographical areas of the world.
Lions Clubs around the world are united by a spirit of giving and dedication to helping others. As the official funding arm of LCI, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) supports Lions’ compassionate works by providing grants to their local and global humanitarian efforts.

These include; combating vision problems, responding to major catastrophes, providing valuable life skills for youth, partnering with governments to fight preventable diseases through immunizations and other health interventions among many others.