By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
DomesticViolence against Men #MenVictimsofDomesticViolence
Residents in Kyenkwanzi cell, Nyakashambya ward, Sheema Central Division in Sheema district watched unpaid for drama after a husband run away from his house to the authorities seeking for help over excessive beatings by his wife.
Edmond Ahimbisibwe Baine, 50, one of the victim of Domestic Violence against men that is escalating in Sheema district, on Friday reported to the Resident District Commissioner’s that his wife a one Chris Kyomugisha, 45 years, with whom they have spent 28 years in marriage has been battering him over time.
Ahimbisibwe who was in uncontrolled tears and in fear for his dear life intimidated to the authorities that few days ago when he attempted to cut a banana fruit from the garden for roasting, his wife together with the children threatened to kill him with a sharp panga something that threatened him.
He disclosed that he has for many years been denied his conjugal rights after the wife suspended him from their matrimonial bedroom, then started to sleep in the visitor’s room where he was also forced out into a garage.
For the last One year and Seven months, Ahimbisibwe has been cooking, doing laundry and other house chores for himself while his wife and the children cook separately. He adds that he has been silent enough about the beatings, torture and other abuses melted against him by the wife.
When the RDC visited the family however, the accused wife, Chris Kyomugisha told him and residents that her husband brought satanic tools at home which forced him out of his matrimonial bed and stopped him from sleeping with his wife as well as eating the food prepared for him. She accuses the husband of being a devil worshipper.
RDC Frank Kyereere and the residents then asked Kyomugisha to lead them into a garage where she alleges the husband has tools of satan, she showed to them a bag containing money and a milking pot the evidence that did not satisfy the residents.

It is alleged that at one point, Kyomugisha locked her husband inside the Garage threating to burn him inside the allegations she denied. She said she had gone to pick a blanket and the bedsheets from the garage but Collins Ndyamuba, the area Chairperson LC1 dismissed her words as baseless defense.
According to Callison Ahimbisibwe, the couple’s elder son, the family is living in a violent state because of their father’s animalistic behaviors. He accuses his father of misconducts against them and their mother.
When Ahimbisibwe was asked to decide on what help the RDC and other authorities should do to him, he vowed never to reconcile with his wife.
This prompted the RDC, deputy Officer in Charge Criminal Investigation Department (deputy OC CID) Sheema police station, ASP Bawe Douglas and residents to divide the land and other family wealth shares among the couples.
RDC Kyereere warned both parties against any attempts to sell of the divided properties and everything was put in ink and on paper.
By the time of compiling this story, Ahimbisibwe was seen packing all his belongings from the house relocating to a new residence in Kabwohe town where he will be living.