By Leonard Kamugisha AKIDA
MBARARA The Holy Father His Holiness Pope Francis I has appointed Bishop Lambert Bainomugisha, the Auxiliary Bishop of Mbarara as the Archbishop of Mbarara Archdiocese and accepted the resignation of Archbishop Paul Kamuza Bakyenga.
In a press released dated today Saturday 25thApril,2020, Luigi Bianco, the Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda announced the appointment of Bishop Bainomugisha congratulating him upon his new assignment.
“The Apostolic Nuncio has the joy to announce that the Holy Father has appointed Rt Rev. Lambert Bainomugisha as the Archbishop of Mbarara,” read excerpts of the release.
The Nuncio also confirmed the news on the retirement of Archbishop Paul Kamuza Bakyenga from active pastoral career of the diocese.

“Pope Francis I accepts the resignation of Archbishop Paul Bakyenga and appoints Auxiliary Bishop Lambert Bainomugisha as the Archbishop of Mbarara, Uganda.” Vatican News Agency reported.
According to the Nuncio, Archbishop Bakyenga’s retirement is due to the clocking of the recommended Canonical age limit.
He further said that he (Bakyenga) shall remain the Apostolic Administrator of Mbarara until the new Archbishop’s canonical possession day.
However, the consecration (day of canonical possession) remainsconfidential from the press.
Bishop Bainomugisha

Born on July 12th,1961, in Kashumba Bukanga Isingiro district, Bishop Lambert Bainomugisha attended Buhungiro P/S, Kitabi Seminary (O & A’level) where he his vocation journey was grounded.
As it is a tradition to most of the KISOBA (Kitabi Seminary Old Boys Association) Alumni, Bainomugisha pursued his vocational dream to join St. Thomas Aquinas – Katigondo Seminary for Philosophical studies. He thereafter went to St. Mary’s Ggaba Major Seminary to further his studies.
Bainomugisha was then ordained a Priest on 13th July,1991 at Nyamitanga Cathedral Mbarara. He served as curate priest St Joseph the worker Rubindi parish till 1994 when he went to enroll his studies abroad.
59yrs-old, Bainomugisha holds Doctorate in Canonic law from St. Paul of Ottowa, Canada. He also served as the Diocesan Chancellor of Mbarara between 2000-2005.
Hislifelong story has got more achievements in the month of July and a few individuals have realized this.
His appointment as the Auxiliary Bishop of Mbarara onJuly2nd,2005 is a true evident of the fortunes sorrounding Bainomugisha’s life. He received the Episcopal consecration as the Auxiliary Bishop on 1st October, 2005.
Bishop LambertBainomugisha’s name came into limelights in the year 2009 after the Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI appointed him an Apostolic Administrator of Hoima Dioceses on November 13th,2009 until early February, 2019 when the Dioceses got her full Bishop- Bishop Vincent Kirabo on 29thFebruary,2019.
The name Bainomugisha resounds in the ears of the Bunyoro land dwellers as a bigger number of the youth in the area were inspired to join vocations in his reign.
In 2016, Bishop Bainomugisha returned to Mbarara where he has been pursuing his pastoral career as an Auxiliary Bishop till the time of his appointment as the new Archbishop.
Thanks for informing us dear Akida
May God bless you in yo career