The Buhweju county member of parliament, Francis Mwijukye has scorned that all elected members of parliament from the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) who attended the three weeks Kyankwanzi caucus have been erased of their individual ideologies and uploaded with the party selfish interests in the caucus.
” Have you ever taken your phone to a mechanic for storage flashing? That is the same as attending the Kyankwanzi caucus. They (MPs) have been flashed,” rhetorical Mwijukye compared.
He was giving a supplement on a submission by Dan Kafureka on the impacts of the Kyankwanzi caucus resolution on socioeconomic and political growth in the country.
This was during a weekly Radio political talk show, “Manya Ebirikufa Omw’ihanga ryawe” on 100.2FM Radio West in Mbarara city hosted by Dickson Nandinda Baryahabwe, a celebrated political journalist in western Uganda.
During a talk show, Hon. Mwijukye denied allegations that the speaker of parliament practices open favouritism on MPs foreign travels.
“We have similar faces which keeps on appearing on the speaker’s list of MPs to travel with abroad. We know them and some are with us.” said one of the panelists on president Museveni’s resolution to cut off parliamentary foreign travels.
However, Mwijukye clarified that each MP sits on a certain committee of parliament and when duty calls for a relevant committee to travel abroad on government duties, members of that particular committee are selected without any favors.