By Isaac Akugizibwe,
Nyakasura school Community is mourning the death of their most popular teacher Mr.Kakooko Baingana Moses who died in a road accident in Mugusu town enroute Fortportal city on Thursday evening.
The accident that claimed Mr Kakooko Baingana Moses occurred at about 9pm local time when an ambulance whose registration number is yet to be disclosed rammed into a track along For t Portal Kasese road, Lavender village,Mugusu town council in Bunyagabu district killing two people on spot.
The ambulance knocked another stationary vehicle from behind which had got a mechanical problem and was parked on the roadside just at the corner however, there were no enough signal from behind indicating that there’s a stationed vehicle ahead, according to an eye witness
It was later learnt that Mr.Kakoko Moses had travelled to Nyakigumba town, Bunyangabu district to visit one of his friends and to share knowledge about farming. On traveling back to Fort Portal city, he waited but couldn’t get the transport means to take him home but while he waited,an ambulance going to FortPortal showed up ,an opportunity he could not miss as it was the only opportunity to see him home abit early. Unfortunately it didn’t end well.
Moses Kakooko Baingana was a political and history teacher and is believed to have been the most popular among students and Alumni of Nyakasura school especially those that went to the school in the last decade.
By the time of his death, Kakooko had established himself as an Agribusiness expert and had dedicated his time to teaching Students and people in Tooro on how to go about Agribusiness as a way of alleviating poverty.
Many students and former students of Nyakasura school have described him as an intelligent hardworking, and caring man whose charm and personality remains a legacy.
“We shall miss his love for modern farming, he was spreading the gospel of eradicating poverty besides he was a national asset” one Alumni wrote on social media.
“He was a people person, abaire nabaza caali. May God welcome him with a hug and a smile amidst comfort” another Alumni added.

“This guy is one of the people that caused me to take on leadership at Nyakasura. # Rest Well KBM,” Geoffrey Maate,former Head prefect Nyakasura school wrote on the school’s Alumni platform.
According to most of the Alumni, Kakooko was a very intelligent man who could grasp every student’s name face and villages where they come from. It is said that he would call almost three quarters of the school by name.
Meanwhile, the Nyakasura school Alumni league that is set to start on 5th February 2023 will be dedicated to the fallen teacher, according to the league leadership led by chairman Ronald Karuhanga.