Security forces in Soroti have on Friday, retrieved unexploded ordinances from Aminit cell, Madera ward, Eastern Division in Soroti city.
According to reports, the abandoned ordinances were discovered by a resident who immediately informed the OC operations at Soroti Central Police Station, ASP Fred Kyobe.

- Suspected unexploded ordinances
Police responded to the alerts and the ordinances were removed from the scene awaiting disposal by experts from the Uganda People’s Defence Force.
However, some citizens of Soroti suspect that those ordinances are left over bombs from the time Joseph Kony’s LRA movement attacked the city in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s.
The ordinances follow two explosion incidents in Kampala which security says are being fueled by the rebel group ADF.
Five people suspected to be ADF collaborators have since been killed and 21 others arrested on similar allegations.
Despite a few of the Soroti residents being skeptical about the situation saying it was a false alarm, police have still commended the community for vigilance.