Public officers in Uganda have upto Friday April 23 to declare their assets and liabilities to the Inspectorate of Government lest they face the leadership code tribunal.
And the IGG vows not to again extend wealth declaration period for anyone who will have not declared his / her wealth by tomorrow midnight.
“The Inspectorate of Government will not extend the time within which public officers are supposed to declare their assets and liabilities.” says Ali Munira the inspectorate mouthpiece.
Ali Munira says that by law the deadline for declaration is 31st of March but it was extended to 23rd of this month and anyone who would not have made their declaration by this day midnight their names will be forwarded to the leadership code tribunal for further action.
Over 30,000 Leaders are expected to declare their Incomes, Assets and Liabilities to the Inspectorate of Government this declaration year.
However, Munira noted that although the deadline was extended some haven’t made their declaration. She did not either disclose the details of officers who have so far complied or those who have not yet done the declarations.
She urged individuals who have not declared their wealth to do it via the Inspectorate of Government online declaration system.
According to the Leadership Code Act, 2002 elected and appointed leaders including the President, Ministers, Members of parliament, judges, the Inspector General of Government–IGG, National and district leaders among others are required to declare their wealth to the office of the inspectorate of Government.
In case of any breach of the code, the inspectorate of Government refer the matters to the leadership code tribunal for legal handling which later recommends appropriate action.