By Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu,
The three days regional sustainable development goals Festival has commenced in Mbarara.
The festival has been organized by the office of the prime minister, Uganda National NGO forum and the ministry of foreign affairs Denmark aimed at popularizing and localizing the 2030 SDG agenda in Uganda.
During today’s activities, participants planted trees along streets in Lugazi in Mbarara city in fulfilment of SDG 13 that aims at promoting climate change.
While launching the festival, the OPM Monitoring and Evaluation officer Pascal Byarugaba revealed the package of the events that includes a walk around Mbarara city, training and skilling the youths, tree planting, a citizen’s parliament, a football match and a regional stakeholders forum.
The day’s activities were led by the Deputy RCC Mbarara City, Mr. Kanusu Robert who revealed that the festival has come on time when the community must know about the SDG’s which he said affect them directly.
Kanusu encouraged the people of Mbarara to plant more trees in order to make Mbarara a green city and to avoid scenarios like those of river Rwizi and Katonga where bridges have been washed away by floods.

“Everyone benefits from trees either as energy, construction, walking stick at an old age or coffin after someone has died, so let’s embrace tree planting” Said Kanusu.
The deputy Mayor Murongo Priska appealed to people in the western region to actively take part in the festival bearing in mind that the sustainable development goals are everyone’s responsibility.
Murungo encouraged the people to come in big numbers and ask their leaders what they think they have failed to address during the citizens parliament.