By Watera Atai Icon,
The Reforformed Anglican Church has named former Church of Uganda Kumi Diocese Priest, Rev. Charles Okunya Oode their first Bishop in their the Upper Nile Diocese.
Archbishop Prof. Jonathan Kyangasha, of the Reformed Anglican Church broke the good news on Friday
According to Kyangasha the office of the Archbishop and the college of Bishops of the church met in secret on Thursday May 05, 2022 and did elect Rev’d Charles Okunya Oode
“Rev. Charles Okunya Oode in early April tendered his resignation as both a priest and the appointment as Director of Education Services in Kumi Diocese to the newly installed Bishop Michael Okwii Esakan”

He noted that Bishop Elect Rev. Okunya will be consecrated on Sunday June 26, 2022 at the Reformed Anglican Church in Kumi town Council at 10:00AM.
“To all the Faithful in Christ Jesus, Peace and Apostolic Benediction. We, the Archbishop and the college of Bishops of this Church met in the secret consistory and did elect our brother in Christ Rev. Charles Okunya Oode to be the Bishop of Upper Nile Diocese in accordance with the constitution and canons of the Reformed Anglican Church, Province of Uganda,” said Kyangasha.
It should be recalled that Okunya’s second installation as Bishop of Kumi Diocese flopped in 2020 over alleged forgery of the age documents from 1975 to 1970 to allow him appointment as the Bishop. Unfortunately, this did not work out as it is against the church’s constitution and canonical laws prompting him to resign and denounce the church in what he termed as a forced move by a section of wealthy Kumi Diocese laity in April this year
This has since created factions within Kumi Diocese which split into two factions; one headed by Rev. Okunya controlling at least six (06) out of the 10 archdeaconaries. The standoff then escalated when Rev. Michael Okwii Esakan was announced by the House of Bishops as the new Bishop.