By Charles katabalwa,
Africa Sistema Bio has extended her biodigester technology solutions into West and Southern Africa to become Africa’s Largest Biodigester company.

Founded in 2010, the company employs and contracts over 2500 people, it has operations in 31 countries with its African footprint initially in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and with the expansion now in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Ghana, and Nigeria. runs the largest carbon bio-digester program in East Africa in Uganda and has installed more than 12,000 bio digesters, providing clean and reliable energy access to over 100,000 people in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The expansion follow a partnership with Engie Access, Africa’s leading off-grid energy services company aiming to introduce biogas digesters in Zambia and Mozambique.

The partnership which also includes the support of Modern Clean Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA), aims to reach over 10,000 small holder farmers in the two countries to give them access to clean cooking biogas solutions, enhancing energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the region.
This initiative, is also done in collaboration with the Modern Clean Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA)
and underscores Sistema Bio’s commitment to addressing energy challenges, promoting
environmental sustainability and supporting access to affordable, clean and modern cooking
solutions in Africa.
Madrin Maina, the Sistema Bio Director Africa declared: “Today we have the technology, experience, and business models to dramatically accelerate clean and reliable energy access across Africa.”’s biodigester technology represents a climate smart energy solution for small holder
farmers that is rapidly scalable, can be tailored to local conditions and has the potential to empower millions of people in communities across Africa.
“Through our recent collaborations and
partnerships with Africa’s leading green energy organizations we are now positioned as the leading biodigester company within the African continent,” said Maina.
The benefits generated by use of bio digester technology contribute to 9 out of the 17 SDGs. SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG3 (Good Health and wellbeing), SDG5 (Gender
Equality), SDG7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG8 (Decent work and Economic Growth), SDG13 (Climate Action) and SDG15 (Life On Land).