By Leonard Kamugisha AKIDA +256706640016.
Whereas government believes that raising funds from the private sector employees would support in combating the spread of corona virus in the country, the Forum for Democratic Change [FDC] have warned against the move saying its an unfair appeal.
“This appeal is full of insensitivities and is a tactical way of unfairly taking away from the already suffering public,” FDC said.
In a press statement issued today by the party President, Patrick Oboi Amuriat, FDC stressed that citizens employed in the private sectors are living under enormous stress caused by the effects of the ongoing lockdown such as the decisions by some organizations to cut off 50% of its employees salaries, forced leave among others.
Yesterday, media reports indicated plans by the government to deduct Ugx 10,000/= from each employee in the private sector as contribution towards National Response Fund on COVID-19 as established under the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM).
In a letter dated May 12th,2020, by the OPM directed to all CEOs in Private sector institutions, the fund appealed to CEOs to talk to their employees to dedicate Shs 10,000/- on their May-June Payrolls to the fund meant to support its activities.
Citing out section 46 (1) (b) of the Employment Act 2006, the FDC said its unconstitutional to deduct any amount of money on employees wages. They advised that donations should be kept voluntary not a forced move.
Section 46 (1) (b), its inconceivable for anybody to forcefully or through blackmail to access an employee wages.
Mr Emmanuel Ainebyoona, Chairman to the fund said the fund targets to collect 170billions support fund. Reports by the fund indicate that 28bn had been collected from 600 entities by May 14th.
FDC wondered why government would still demand for citizens monies yet it has already collected over 8.847trillion shillings from donations, loans and grants from western powers.

Additionally, President Amuriat called for government’s immediate closure of all borders and lifting of the lockdown which government imposed on Ugandans.
According to him, the lockdown has yielded no results since Ugandans heeded to staying home and other preventive measures by WHO, Gov’t yet there are more cases registered as a result of unrestricted cross border movements. He called for closure of borders as a mean of safeguarding the lives of country citizens from the virus.
“We would like to demand that in order to safe guard the lives of Ugandans which should be the priority of any sensible government, all uganda borders should be closed with immediate effect until further notice,” read excerpts of the statement.
Earlier today, ministry of health confirmed new 21 COVID-19 cases from the 1,071 Samples of truck drivers who tested positive yesterday. The new cases increased the total number of COVID-19 to 248 cases, 57 cases are admitted while 63 cases are recoveries. Uganda has no any registered fatalitie.