By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
Ugandan government is set to honor the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in recognition for his contribution to national development.
The minister in charge of presidency, Milly Babalanda said at a press briefing at Uganda Media Centre on Tuesday that Prince Marktum will be honored with the highest medal of Africa Grandmaster Class One medal on National Heroes Day due June 9.
Accordingly, the Prince was selected for his outstanding contributions to Uganda’s economy such as the oil refinery in the Albertine region and the construction of a 3,500 metre runaway airport in Kidepo Valley National Park.
It was also established that 52 other outstanding Ugandans will be awarded different medals on the same day in recognition of their contribution towards the liberation of the country.
Hajjat Zaminah Malole, secretary for the presidential awards committee said the criteria for selecting deserving persons to be awarded medals is transparent stating that honours and awards are given to people based on their contribution towards national development.
“Medalists are nominated different individuals, district committees, MDAs and NGOs, vetted and the proposed names are forwarded to the president by the awards committee for approval and thereafter gazzated in the national gazzattee,” she said
She added that there is no monetary benefits that come along with the awarded medals.
“We cannot put value on this kind of honor. It’s invaluable. But, there are certain benefits that accompany this medal. If somebody becomes a medalist, he/she changes status. He is an honored person. That is why when they go to offices or when they go to access public services like in banks, they do not line up. They are given first priority therefore, they are treated like first class VIPs,” Zaminah explained.

The minister of state for Kampala Metropolitan area, Kabuye Kyofatogabye who is a son to the veteran hero said the government has not neglected the children of civilian veterans because the majority of them have been offered academic scholarships and many are occupying public offices.
The 35th National Heroes Day will be celebrated at Mpenja CoU Primary School playground, Mpenja sub-county, Gomba district on June 9. The celebration is themed; “Hail Our Legends; A secure Uganda is now a reality.”

Minister Babalanda said that Gomba was selected to host this year’s Heroes Day because it was a resistance corridor for the National Resistance Army recruitment in the 1980s
“This was formerly occupied by the Uganda Freedom Movement (UFM) and FEDEMU fighters but who later integrated with the NRA after they suffered numerous war setbacks against the UNLA forces. This corridor also served as a route where new NRA recruits from the deep western parts of Uganda used as they joined the centre of the struggle in Luweero.L”. Babalanda explained.