By Brave Tumuranzye and Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu,
The Engineering Brigade and the National Enterprise Corporation (NEC) of the UPDF have entered a partnership with the National Housing and Construction Company Ltd (NHCCL) to construct one kilometer perimeter wall for Kakyeeka stadium in Mbarara, CDF Gen. Wilson Mbasu Mbadi reported.
The CDF made revelations during the celebrations to commemorate the 42nd anniversary of the UPDF (42nd Tarehe Sita) at Kakyeeka Stadium, Mbarara City on Monday.He said the construction of a stadium wall is in commemoration of the celebrations.
According to CDF Mbadi, the NEC corporation is mandated to do the surveying, designing and procurement of the construction materials for the perimeter wall
Speaking at the celebrations, the NHCC Board Chairman Hon. Sylvester Wanjuzi Wasieba, said the exercise is to add value on the stadium.
“The stadium land has faced encroachment because it lacked a perimeter wall to protect it. This construction of the wall is to safe guard the remaining land and to add value on the stadium,” he said.
Eng. Kenneth Kaijuka the Chief Executive Officer of NHCC, said that construction works are expected to start in July 2023 and be completed by December 2024.
Kakyeeka stadium usually hosts various sports events at District, Regional and National competetion, Trade shows, musical concerts, massive religious and political activities are also usually held in Mbarara at Kakyeka Stadium.
However, the stadium due its old design and low capacity to handle the growing need for sport facilities has become a big challenge to the region.
In 2017, the then district council said they were preparing grounds to redevelop the stadium. According to the district chairperson Capt. JB Tumusiime the district was preparing for strategic development partners to work with to redevelop the stadium to meet Regional, National and International standards. New designs of the proposed stadium and its facilities were also developed as shown here.
“Once these plans are completed, normal procurement processes will commence to identify competent partners to develop the sports facility. We believe that this public facility once completed will greatly promote sports, business, image of mbarara district and the country at large,” read a statement on the district website
In 2020, Mbarara municipality was elevated to a city status together with other nine municipalities. Since the acquisition of the city status, plans to redevelop Kakyeeka stadium have fallen into deaf ears.
There are however hopes that the construction of the stadium wall by the national army will awaken city leadership to embark on the plans to refurbish the stadium to meet required international sports standards.