By Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu,
Expectantmothers in Maziba Sub County and the neighboring areas in Kabale district, are happy about the renovation of the maternity ward at Maziba health centre IV. Thanks to USAID-RHITES South West, which has renovated and expanded the maternity ward in a bid to improve on service delivery in the area.
Edward Bitarakwate, the Chief of Party for USAID-RHITES South West, says that they have renovated and expanded the maternity ward and labour suit, to include two delivery beds and postnatal ward, to help mothers recover after delivery.
While speaking at the official handover of the refurbished maternity ward yesterday, Bitarakwate, said that they decided to refurbish the maternity ward after realizing that the health centre still had numerous infrastructural challenges, like inadequate staff accommodation and wards among others.
Bitarakwate says that the entire refurbishment cost 53 million shillings with an aim of ensuring that the place is safe and hygienic with clean running water. USAID RHITES South West also donated equipment, worth six million shillings, to help newly born babies to breath.

The Maziba health centre IV in charge, Dr.Denis Masiko Kasigeire, says that the refurbishment of the maternity ward and labour suite have improved service delivery and increased the number of expectant mothers seeking medical care at the facility.
According to Dr Masiko, in January 2023, they documented 32 normal deliveries and two cesarean sections, in February, 31 normal deliveries and 15 cesarian-sections were recorded at the facility, while this month they have already recorded 30 normal deliveries and 17 C-sections
Masiko adds that the number of mothers attending the first and fourth antenatal visits has also increased. In January, 68 mothers attended their first antenatal visits, while 33 mothers attended the forth antenatal visits.
The Kabale LCV Chairperson, Nelson Nshangabasheija, who presided over the handover celemony called on members of management of the health centre and sub county leaders to keep a watch on the facility to ensure better service delivery.
He also thanked the health workers, for working tirelessly to fight against diseases and ensuring a better health care system in the district.