Students of Valley College Bushenyi beat the odds as they report in huge numbers on the 10th of January, 2022 as allocated by the Ministry of Education to resume studies amidst tough economy.
Students of Valley College, Bushenyi report for resumption of studies
Despite the hard times that some parents and guardians are going through due to the tightened economy, the number of students that have reported to the school was overwhelming.
Bernard Ngabirano, one of the teachers at Valley College Bushenyi told Parrots UG that the general turn up of students was good; especially those joining Senior One and Senior Five.
Mr. Mubehamwe Jonan, the school Director, said that parents could pay fees in halves considering that a few of the students who have not turned up on day one are facing problems with school fees. He said this after realizing that some students’ parents may not be able to meet the required school fees.
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The Deputy in charge of academics, Mr.Ssempebwa Lauben, encouraged teachers to cover the work which students did not cover during the lock down.
“In order to ensure that the students make up for the lost time and see to it that we perform well; not only for the candidates but for all,” he remarkably said.
The headmistress, Mrs. Kabeizi Doreen and her deputy, Mr. Asiimwe Jonath encouraged the staff to work hard urging them to be on forefront of fighting Covid19.
The situation was not a difference at Igara East’s mighty girls school, Kyeizooba Girls SS, here, young female students clad in their shining school uniforms some accompanied by their parents, guardians were all smiles making it back to school after 22months of closure.
Students of Kyeizooba Girls SS Bushenyi reporting for resumption of studies
The observance of Standard Operating Procedures – SOPs was complied with and parents, Learners who did not wear a facemask were denied access to school premises until they bought one.
Handwashing equipments and Body Temperature thermometer guns were deployed everywhere at either schools to ensure proper COVID-19 free environment.
School managements in Western Uganda noted difficulties in implementing social distance inside classrooms and dormitories due to the rising number of learners viz aviz limited space for accommodate students.