By Atuhaire Priscah,
In the Book of the Ecclesiastes 1:2, the preacher, son of David, the King of Jerusalem speakth on seeking God’s wisdom and things that are done under heaven.
According to the preacher, for anything that is done without the guidance of the Lord is all meaningless, thus writing; ‘futility of futilities is all futility!’

Ecclesiastes 1:2-5
2 (CVanity[b] of vanities, says (D)the Preacher,
(E)vanity of vanities! (F)All is vanity.
3 (G)What (H)does man gain by all the toil
at which he toils under the sun?
4 A generation goes, and a generation comes,
but (I)the earth remains forever.
5 (J)The sun rises, and the sun goes down,
and hastens[c] to the place where it rises.
The scriptures explains the situations in Uganda and other African states where many politicians amass too much wealth through dark corners like swindling of public funds, embezzlement, and other forms of corruption and other devilish means to richness. They later turn the embezzled funds into personal businesses but as the preacher noted in the scriptures; ‘all that is done under the sun is all vanity and what’s crooked cannot be made straight.”
The minister for ICT and national guidance Chris Baryomunsi being in a government accused of high corruption can now be preached to these scriptures.
Baryomunsi, the founder of Kanungu District’s youngest Radio Station 103.1FM Kanungu Radio is counting losses after strong winds damaged the rooftop of his Radio Station and put to ground the Radio Mast.
On Tuesday, hailstorm affected parts of Kanungu District in Kigezi region Southwestern Uganda destroying numerous properties including crops, schools and a health centre III.
According to reports, the hailstorm damaged rooftops of Makiro Primary school owned by Makiro Parish and Nyakatare Primary schools which is owned Church of Uganda Nyakatare and Katare Health Centre III, all in Kanungu Town Council.
The affected schools are the pioneer schools in the area (started in 1940s) and have had many high profile oèrsons in Kigezi region go through their gates.
Godfrey Karabenda, the Mayor for Kanungu Town Council told reports that some of the damaged buildings had become so old and could not withstand the strong winds.
He said that the council will hold an emergency meeting to decide on a temporary solution to shelter learners in schools that have been affected.
He also appealed to government to support victims of the hailstorm with relief food, clothings, shelter and fast growing seed crops.