Putting women at the front and centre of News stories, celebrating rather than limiting women abilities and demonstrating the significance of women across a wide range of fields in the media industry.
Featuring raising talents from journalism lecture theatres to fresh graduates and young women with passion in writing, Parrots Media Limited through our publication is helping female journalists to hone their talents by giving them the confidence to come forward and report on the hard go-to zones in the media.

“Parrots Media must rebuild trust with female employees to inspire and encourage other employers especially the established media organisations to not only see the barriers but also the opportunities and talents in women,” said organisation founder Leonard Kamugisha Akida.

Parrots UG Nutrition & Gender reporter, Penelope Ashaba says that she feels appreciated and loves the fact that female reporters are given as much attention and chances to improve themselves as men. We appreciate your efforts.
“At Parrots Media, high achieving women in different work sectors are recognised and this has promoted women empowerment and rights,” Ashaba said.

She encourages women to pursue opportunities at every level of the corporate ladde and the public should be advised about opening their talent pipeline equally to all employees.
“Promote women as much as men, it will show how much women are valued, and this will invest in growing their skills and potential”.

Anitah Ashemereirwe, a 3rd year Journalism student at Makerere University and internee at Parrots UG says that through information sites like, people are able to access authentic news from the comfort of their lives. And this has narrowed the information gap.
Desire Ayebazibwe, a 3rd year Journalism Student at Bishop Stuart University and internee reporter at Parrots UG says she feels privileged to be part of parrots media.

“I am grateful that they (Parrots UG) believe in young talents especially the women,” Ayebazibwe said.
“Female representation in the ranks has in the past one year improved due to our 50:50 intiative to ensure gender balances not only in the newsroom but also in top level management positions and innovations such as use of new media,” says Priscah Atuhaire, deputy head of the western Bureau.

With a staff of 13 reporters, women constitute 46.15% while men are 53.84% reporters at Parrots Media. To achieve our goals on gender representation, many of female reporters have been appointed to higher positions like Annet Nakanwagi alias Anne Nwagi and Patriciah Turyahebwa, have become the first females to serve on Parrots Media Ltd top level management as Executive Secretary and Sports News Editor, respectively.

For a year or more, a total of 8 females have been enrolled in our internship and graduate training programmes. Some of these are retained on the staff, others empowered to start up personal ventures in media related fields like YouTube channels, photo & videography studios, graphic centres while others are employed in established media organisations.
List of trainees majority females that have undergone Parrots Media Internship and Graduate Training Programmes in Multimedia, PR & Communications and Digital influencing.