A lot of people have been puzzled and others still biting their lower lips finding all means possible to express their feelings to their loved ones.
Emitima gyakaluba, but with a new romantic ballad: “I love you bae” by Uganda’s vocalist Lydia Jazmine, lovers may now turn to a new chapter of their love; “Emitima Gya Gonda” and they will surely profess #Tetulinabitengo.
Jazmine released the love ballad: ‘I love you bae’ just few hours ago after she promised to rock the world of lovers with what she says is too much love, on weekend.
“Too Much Love Coming In Already”Jazmine posted. Listen to the Audio below; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKf0yHNnQrE
As the long awaited Valentine’s day turns the corners, I love you bae could be that song you really need to win the hearts if your loved ones and make them fall in for your every minute that passes.
The Luganda intro lyrics in this song; ” Laba twakula wamu mukwano nze naawe, Omukwano twakuza nze naawe,” will make her feel the vybz in your love.
Is a crush, ex or your baby Mama, then Jazmine gives you the most romantic English rhymes you should recite over and over to her.
“I will take you to my bed
My love never fade
Am ready to
Ready to be your date
All over, all over, kiss you all over
Love you in abundance
Baby come over
Baby jangu ontaase,” reads ‘I love you bae’ song lyrics.
Audio of the song produced by Bombs Made my Beat is already out and can be downloaded|listened to on YouTube via the Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKf0yHNnQrE
If you are mesmerized by her voluptuous thighs, crushing on her narrow-like wasp waist, his six pack muscular body, whooper or his crazy rides in bed, but still puzzled on letting hi/her how much you prioritize them, “I love you bae” will get your feelings expressed.