The Uganda National Examinations Board(UNEB) has sent a strong warning to the school HeadTeachers, Teachers and the general public against examination malpractices a head of Primary Leaving Examinations.
The 2020 PLE officialy begins today with briefing of candidates countrywide at various examination centres. The actual writing of the papers will however take place on Tuesday March 30 and Wednesday March31.
A total of 749,811 registered cabdidates are expcted to sit for this year’s PLE from 14,300 examination centres. These according to UNEB include 58 inmates from upper prison school Luzira. Out of the 749,811 candidates; 395,855 are females constituting to 53% while a total of 353,957 are male candidates constituting to 47 percent.
Statistics by UNEB indicates that 68.4% of the learners are from Universal Primary Education whereas 31.6% are non UPE cabdidates. UNEB registered an increase of 554,007 (7.8percent) candidates at the PLE level from 2019.
Dan Odongo, the board Executive Secretary warned Teachers from involving in all forms of examination malpractices such as post briefing teaching and coaching among others.
“Teaching or coaching of candidates after today’s briefing will also be regarded as malpractice. Teachers are urged to desist from misleading the candidates with late-minute coachng as it may lead them to lose focus,” Odongo said.
He warned that anybody found involving in this act will be dealt with.
The board strongly condemns all persons contemplating involvement in any form of examination malpractice will be dealth with.
The public has also been warned against circulating question papers either through social media or any channel. UNEB says that anyone found doing so will be held culpable of aiding examination malpractice.
UNEB say the conduct examination will be handled by 138 district monitors, 10,911 scouts, 9,862 supervisors and 30,027 invigilators.
In addition to this, a total of an unspecified number of security officers will also be deployed at various examination centres across the cuntry at both overts and covert operations. This according to UNEB is being done to ensure security of the examination, field officers and the candidates.
A toll free number: 0800-21-077 has been released to the public to inform the board on any suspected cases of examination malpractice.
Speaking at the launch of PLE 2020 at UNEB Headquarters in Ntinda, the police spokesperson CP Fred Enanga assured the public of the tight security during the examination exercise.
“I want to assure you we have a very large security both covert and overt.” Enanga said.
In order to combat the spread of Covid-19, UNEB has called on district inspectors of schools to ensure that sufficient number of invigilators are deployed per sitting centre to ensure that candidates are properly supervised and Standards OPerating Procedures (SOPs) are observed in each examination room.