By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
President Museveni has fulfilled his pledge to the people of Toro kingdom to release their former prime minister, Sanyu Katuramu Amooti who has been in prison for over 20yrs on murder offences.
Katuramu was on Saturday released from prison by president’s pardon after 20 years and is now a freeman.
In 200, court convicted and sentenced PM Katuramu to life sentence he was found guilty of financing the murder of Tooro kingdom prince, Charles Kijanangoma and his bodyguard Steven Kaganda.
Court found out that on March 1999, Katuramu financed for the murder of the prince and his bodyguard at Palace view bar in Fort portal.
He was sentenced alongside his niece Patrick Kwezi who transacted the money to the killers and Alex Twinomugisha the UPDF kadogo who trigged a gun.
They were sentenced to Luzira on a life sentence. However, during the January 2021 presidential campaigns in Toro kingdom, a section of Batooro petitioned president Museveni seeking for his pardon.
Sources at the state house have told Parrots UG that president has finally ordered for his release and two of his co-sentenced; Kwezi and Ainomugisha.