Change Your Life
Amid COVID-19 pandemic when church activities have gone digital, Listening to your pastor’s teachings is important. Not only is it one way to fill in the gaps left by spiritual growth but it is a meaningful way to better ourselves.
Listening alone, however, isn’t enough. Who you listen to and how you apply what he/she teaches matters.
Listening what everyone else listen is good for conversation, perhaps, but it’s not going to help you to think differently. And if you can’t think differently, you’re always going to be a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.
With that in mind, here are five Pastors that will change your life and enable you to see things in a new light when carefully listened to.
1. Pr. Aloysius Bugingo.
[Pastor & Businessman.]

Despite his 2019 marriage sagas trivialized in different media, PR Bugingo’s critical and pithy analysis of economic and spiritual growth won’t soon be forgotten. His criticisms directed to the folks at Canaan land based House of Prayers Ministries International such as calling lazy men and the youth: “Ekimondi” ~ Roasted Potato has instilled a sense of hard work among the Christians. Through his established Radios & TV across the country (SALT FMs & TV), he has preached against the evil of despising jobs that is eating up the youth especially university graduates something that has seen a number of them transforming their livelihoods. You wouldn’t have committed a crime referring to him as a Pastor that changes Youth & women Mindsets.
Born on 25th November, 1972, Bugingo was in 2019 named the most influential pastor by the East African Book of records.
A list of people influenced by his teachings include Boda Boda operators, hawkers, food market vendors, University graduates, Students, single parents and the diplomats. There’s no doubt that the Author of this story was influenced by PR Bujjingo’s Balaluke Gospel.
2. Apostle Grace Lubega.
[Vision Bearer Phaneroo Fellowship]

You might have never listened or attended to Apostle Lubega’s services but from a broader perspective on those who go to his church you will surely tell he has a special anointing. More than that, Parrotsug has interacted with some of the Phaneroo goers whose names have at one time featured on various blogs topping lists of Boozers, Hottie Sex at different universities in Uganda and have since changed from the day they joined Phaneroo.
At 35yrs, Apostle Lubega is such a kind of pastor who makes you appear more brilliant than you think you are and you will attain the heights of power. I wish you listened to him earlier in your life, career, it certainly would have been helpful. Through his Spiritual slogan: ‘Be Manifested,’ the man of God has got a large follower up of women and the youth. He is undoubtedly the only pastor in Uganda who has ever organized a successful men’s conference: “Men Gather Conference” while in other churches fellowships are being dominated by women and the youth.
3. Pr. Wilson Bugembe.
[Light the world ministries Nansana]

The Arts of Music and his Tear shedding Lifelong journey by BUGEMBE surely transform one’s life.
The biography of PR Bugembe, also known as “Owesaati ya Yellow” (the Pastor of a yellow shirt) depicted from his Street kid story is a true testimony that God’s Kingdom reign.
Bugembe is one of the few pastors who can not get ashamed of sharing about his dirty background in his songs and teachings and the far the grace of God has brought him. The 36yr old Bachelor musician and pastor has influenced many of his Christian followers to do acts of charities to those in need and has practiced the same. His special anointment is in going to where others do not go. He is reknown for rubbing shoulders with the Ghetto dwellers whom many love referring to as; “Criminals” urging them to renew and turn to God. This for many times has created criticisms against him by fellow pastors but he insists ‘Omulwadde Ye’ taaga Omusawo’ (its a patient who needs a Doctor) a statement like Jesus who said I came for the sinners to repent, has seen many desperate Ghetto boys and girls transform to better their livelihoods.
4. Bro Ronnie Makabai.
[Mass Communicator]

This no-nonsense pastor of ETM International & Holy City churches is a talk of town in the youth peers. He is a great example of timeless wisdom. His teachings broad theme to the Christians is how to raise your livelihood in a world where they have no plenty, but to maximize the opportunities using the available minimum resources. Bro Ronnie has hitherto asked the youth in his church to create self employment jobs instead of spending their precious time on dubious things such as sports betting, relationships, gambling, internet among others.
5. Prof Simeon Kayiwa
[Namirembe Christian Fellowship Church]

An unbeaten record of Peacemaking Prof Simeon Kayiwa, is a remarkable polymath who more people should know about. In an age of increasing head knocks between Pentecostal churches and their leaders, he’s a rare generalist — applying what he learned to other aspects of his life. Besides solving great problems in the Born Again churches and reconciling several pastors, Prof Simeon Kayiwa is an educationist and founder of the Kayiwa International University ( KINTU) a service that render him a unique specie of all Pastors. His teachings rotates on driving the Christians and their children to the wells of formal education, equipping them with life skills among others. There are few pastors nor even none doing this besides him.
Run away from masquerading pastors and churches who extort money from the poor Christian in form of “Ensingo” (Seed) using Cash payments and Electronic means such as Mobile Money, E-pay, Western Union etcetera promising miracles and wonders.
Its one of the Telecoms slogan in Uganda: *Don’t Be Cheated!*
This article is published in attribute to Christian online testimonies, spot on and telephone interviews conducted by Parrotsug on the influence of Pentecostal churches and pastors on transforming spiritual and economic livelihoods of Christians.