In a momentous event at the Judiciary Headquarters, Chief Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo presided over the swearing-in ceremony of five judicial officers today. Among the newly appointed officials were four Magistrates Grade One and one Acting Chief Magistrate, all set to take on their responsibilities with utmost professionalism and integrity.
Accompanied by Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera and Principal Judge Dr Flavian Zeija, Chief Justice Owiny-Dollo led an esteemed panel of judiciary officials in witnessing this significant occasion. Notable attendees included Lady Justice Damalie N Lwanga, Executive Director of the Judicial Training Institute, Dr Pius Bigirimana, Judiciary Permanent Secretary, and Ms Maureen Kasande, Under Secretary, along with other senior staff of the Judiciary.
The ceremony was also attended by the loved ones and friends of the newly appointed judicial officers, who eagerly showed their support and witnessed their loved ones take the oath of office. Among those who took the solemn oath were Asha Nakiwate, a former Human Rights Officer with Uganda Human Rights Commission, and Hilda Bakanasa Walaga, who previously served as the Manager of Prosecutions at the Uganda Revenue Authority.
In addition, the judiciary welcomed three other proficient professionals from private practice. Pepera Edith Anne, Derrick Kamanzi, and Kembabazi Ackline made a transition to the judiciary, ready to contribute their expertise and experience to the justice system.
During their swearing-in, the newly appointed officers made a solemn pledge to execute their judicial functions with impartiality and adherence to the constitution and national laws. They vowed to dispense justice without any bias, fear, or favor, emphasizing their commitment to uphold the principles of fairness and integrity.
Taking on a crucial role in the proceedings, Registrar High Court Rosemary Bareebe represented the Chief Registrar, while Judiciary Public Relations Officer James Ereemye Jumire Mawanda skillfully moderated the event.
The swearing-in ceremony marked a significant milestone for the judiciary as five competent individuals assumed their roles as judicial officers. Their commitment to uphold justice and protect the rights of all citizens will undoubtedly contribute to the administration of a fair and unbiased legal system in Uganda.