By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
Kiruhura District Local Government has introduced Cow Dung Tax to enable the district in raising their revenue collections.

According to a letter signed by the district Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Charles Kiberu Nsubuga, the policy was approved by the council as a way of enhancing their local revenue.
The CAO directed all sub-county chiefs to start enforcing this policy with immediate effect.
“This is therefore to require you to make use of it while implementing revenue collection,” said Kiberu.

The charges range from UGX10,000 for one tone of cow dung loaded on a pickup vehicle to UGX100,000 for 10 tons of cow dung loaded on a Sino Truck vehicle.
Cow dung is one of the agricultural waste products produced in Kiruhura district which is a largest producer of cattle products in the Ankole cattle corridor and Uganda.