By Watera,
Violence has erupted at Ntungamo based Muntuyera High School over reports of bribery in students elections.
It all started when members of the candidate classes (F4 & F6) demanded that non-candidate students seeking for election support for school’s prefectorial posts should pay them bribes before campaigning in their classes.
This angered non candidate students especially those in S.5 and S.3 with major number of contesting candidates and later started fighting candidate classes
The candidate students attempted to torch the S.5 Dormitory but the fire was put out before it could cause extensive damage.
The school chaplain Rev Patrick Kwarisima said the staff contained the strike with aid from police from Rwashamaire town.
Fred Bahati, the Ntungamo district education officer said they have sent to home students in S.4 and S.6 who they believe instigated the riots as they monitor the situation and assess the damages.
Twine Muganga, the school head master said students dis not damage any school property besides the dormitory was partly burnt.
He condemned the strike after a long time of containing several situations.