Niwasasira Fortunate alias Fokyi, the independent candidate for Rukiga district Woman Member of Parliament has promised to focus on developmental ventures in the district.
Fortunate made these remarks on Monday while addressing a rally at Bucundura parish, Kashambya sub-county Rukiga district. She urged voters to vote for her if they want to experience development in Rukiga district.
The WMP hopeful Fortunate revealed her willingness to transform Agriculture in the district since it is the main source of income and livelihood in many homesteads. She noted that there is a need to adopt to modern farming practices in order to attain a greater outputs.
On Education, she pledged improve on girl-child education as it is the surest way to realise full potential of women in Rukiga district. She added that she is the only leader capable of tackling on challenges that hinder a girl child both at district and national level pledging to advocate for better school feeding programmes, safe and conducive school environment as well as lobbying scholarships to support girls complete all fronts of education life.
“I will make sure that Rukiga district attains a referral hospital”, Fortunate lamented. Rukiga district lacks a referral hospital and this affects community’s access to quality health services and this largely affects women. One needs to travel to neighboring districts in order to attain a required health services which affects peoples welfare as a result of unprepared expenditures.
Furthermore, she told voter that immediately she is voted into service, she will ensure access to clean abd safe water, and electicic extension which remain a big challenge to residents especially women who always spend a proportionate amount of their productive time searching for clean water and those in merchandise businesses.
On Talents Promotion, Fortunate said that Rukiga as any district in the Kigezi region has got a number of young talents but have not been identified and promoted by the community and current leaders. Its in this regard that she vowed to constitute a district talent’s committee which will help to identify, nurture and promote talents should she entrusted with mandates.
She added that promoting talents in the district will help young people discover and exercise their talents and use them to gain more opportunity to earn a living.
Fortunate who Stands on a slogan: “Our power, the development of Rukiga,” is optimistic that voters’ power is an essential tool for the development of Rukiga.
Fortunate will appear with Honourable Calorine Kamusiime (incumbent, NRM) Aturinda Judith (FDC), Abaho Elizabeth and Victoria Abigail ( both Independent) on a ballot paper as voters elect their favourite candidate on the hotly contested position on Thursday January 14.