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Ha! Its being ridiculous, I must ensure that Suzie loses this guy. |
A Muzigo is a place of joy, adventures, and professional learning, however to some students its never so. We all are aware of the noosty girls at every residential. These who are boastful about everything in life, venture in gossips and are jealousy at any residents with fancy households, and do not feel at ease with male tenants who host in foreign (new) faces. The mean tenant girls!
Gossiping is a common practices on mizigo but when it over cross the bottom line, it becomes a mockery. Through socialization, people end up letting cats out of their bags. So sadistic, the noosty girls go along way to despise and humiliates anybody whose privacy has been leaked and have a hint about. No wonder, Even thou the information is sweet and juicy, the mean female tenants would endeavor adding spices to make it more interesting than ever before. They have nose for news and are well updated about the lives, family backgrounds, rent payment statues of others.
The mean female tenants pretend being superior to fellow tenants, they out of pretence know everything about anything. These cannot befriend anyone below their standards. Underlooking others is all they are best at!
Let her find you in akaboozie (conversation) with another person, she quickly participate without lending an ear to thoroughly listen to the topical of discussion. They argue and judge faster than anybody else. Besides, their judgement is always a right one.
Noosty mizigo girls are hyenas and can never solely go into a talk.
They’re in groups of two or more girls. Sexy neighbours, men, financially disturbed tenants, weak men in bed, food dominates their talks. Uhmmm! these ones don’t mind about gossiping about a colleague absent in the group. They know who’s charmed her boyfriend and whose boyfriend is being blindfolded in a sexual romance.
Its worthy writing that some of their action end up into interesting fights, hatred and at times witch crafty. The end result might be death any way, conversation doesn’t end in a group, like a hot debate that’s kept on being followed on social media platforms, this talks wild spreads to other sub groups. Should the aggrieved party hit back, eehe! it becomes a serie of fights and cold wars.
The mean female tenants are more of a CCTV, use any of this, securit in your room, property and life security shall be Gulu Gulu. The boost tenants in whom spying about others is a daily routine do not only cause conflicts but also provide security. They are attentive to know which wello (new comer) has paid a visit to your house when you’re away. Married couples oftentimes use the noosty girls to spy on their partners.
Noosty mizigo girls can not be discussed in a days time. We can write about them until cows comes back from the bushes. But as the saying goes, call them friends but follow their characters promptly, likewise, befriend female tenants at your residence but be cautious about their noosty characters. Nonetheless, as there are many mean girls at your residence, its also very much possible to find the jolly, friendly and worth having tenants at muzigo. Not that every girls at mizigo are bad girls there are good one’s as it is to a basket of perished tomatoes that a farmer can find the fresh tomatoes.