The President can’t stop Landlords from demanding rent arrears, says Nankabirwa.
The Government Chief whip Ruth Nankabirwa has said that government cannot stop Landlords from demanding rent arrears for the months traders spent in lockdown.
The remarks comes after MP Mohammed Nsereko told parliament that Landlords had closed their buildings in town demanding tenants demanding rent arrears for the months they have spent in the lockdown contrary to Presidential directives to all Landlords from evicting tenants over rent of the months the country spent in lockdown.
In his submission on the floor of Parliament, MP Nsereko asked government to use the COVID-19 European Union grant funds to clear landlords.
However, Nankabirwa in response informed parliament that the president cannot stop landlords from demanding their money.
She added instead government can organise soft loans for traders through which they can pay their rent arrears.