By Mmeeme Leticia Luwenze,
“At one time I told a relative of mine to build rentals but they refused , right now this relative of mine calls me rich because I built rentals. ” Says Mr Ddamba Godfrey, a poultry and real estate guru.
Ddamba Godfrey, Managing Director at Dagro investments says there is a huge difference between having money and having wealth .
“The road to getting wealth is very small and only few can pass through while the road to being rich is so huge.” Says Mr Ddamba Godfrey.
Parrots UG had a one on one interview with Mr. Ddamba at his home in Ndejje to find more on how people in the country can better their lives after the pandemic and how they can better their lives when the economy is finally opened in January 2022. He owns Dagro investments which include a hard ware, rentals, hotel, granary store and a goat farm.
“A person who has over 50 taxis and he gets money daily and he doesn’t convert his money into wealth , he can easily wake up to be poor because he is investing in depreciating properties ” . Says Mr Ddamba
Mr Ddamba says that you must convert richness into wealth because richness can easily end but wealth will always be there. Wealth such as land,a house, rentals, a permanent business will always serve you money for years.
Further more ,he adds that one to have wealth , they must educate the people around them on how to manage wealth . ” He must educate his children into that discipline of maintaining wealth so that they can keep his wealth running.” Says Mr Ddambas
He continues to say that very many people have been affected by the Covid19 because they didn’t lay structure to enable them earn money . Majority of the people could only think of their daily survival .
Sighting out an example, of selling a house, Mr Ddamba says that people should always re invest from the money attained after selling the house . He adds that people might have problems , but they should never make a mistake of not re investing.
He says that people with brains of richness and not wealth can never know when they get poor. By the time that they realize that they are poor, people around them detect his downfall prior . He adds that this person will always keep spending to keep status and to avoid shame in public that he no longer has money. Mr Ddamba was not hesitate to recall his friend ( not disclosed) who was so extravagant that he could not celebrate his next anniversary of being rich.
This was because he was one person who always didn’t do permanent wealth yet he got chances to create wealth.
He says that his brain could not think beyond his palms. He built a mansion for himself , brought many taxis , he bought his own car . He was in the “Good Life “.
He says that most people confuse the good life . The good life means that your future is secure , if your future is not secured then you are not living a good life. He tells people that when the government carries out full re – opening of all sectors people should learn to secure their future. A person who secured their future is one who invests their savings into things that will benefit them in 40 years to come.
He says that one waking up to save their money and then after buy an expensive car is not bad but one should ask themselves if they can afford it.
Mr Ddamba says that some people might get loans , others might go to pay the car in installments but this person could have put his life backwards three times unknowingly. This is because they are never in need of a car but rather “want” the car. They will therefore go into budgets they can’t afford. He continues to say that if a person however carries on what they can afford they can still go ahead with the progress in their life.
Mr Ddamba adds that people in society who don’t look at the depth of things will always term such people rich but they forget that such people don’t have structures. ” Such people have not prepared a fall back position, their richness can easily disappear.” Says Mr Ddamba
Mr Ddamba Godfrey continues to say that most people have the ability to create wealth but they always want quick money . They only want things that come easily.
He continues to say that the people society terms to be rich are not rich , but they are just gamblers of life. This is because in case one sees a person driving a car they will assume that person is wealthy. But the question has to be, What does that person have behind him?
He says that a wealthy man might not have money in cash but in case they need money they can easily get it .
Mr Ddamba says that he doesn’t see any use of having cash , he encourages people to rather invest and wait for the little they get daily.
Mr Ddamba Godfrey continues to say that in life one has to lay strategies, which can manage to put them where they envisage to be.
” I have always wished to build flat rental homes , but I have not started them . I am just planning it and I have been planning it for the past four years but with no ability. I am sure that if God gives me life I will be able to build them. ” Says Mr Ddamba Godfrey
He says that people can look at the progress of something after it’s done and that people will never see your struggles and where you are from but only look and admire your success after it’s progress.
Mr Ddamba says that all people can be rich but being wealthy requires commitment .
” The lockdown has left many people to the floor, now that we are nearly going back to full opening of other sectors, people should start creating structures that are to last and provide them with money at all time”. Says Mr Ddamba Godfrey
He shares with the Parrots Ug 7 financial growth tips that are going to help the people archive more and how they can grow their finances.
1. Consistence , One has to be consistent and remain with a dream. A person might have focused onto one thing and then they are dragged into another. He says that one might want to build a shop and then people drive him or her into buying taxi cars.
He says that one should remain with the initial program
2. Love to stay yourself . Here he gives an example of an envelope , that even when it has 10 millions it will never stand up . It will rather keep low on the ground. He therefore encourages you to always keep a low profile regardless of how much money you have.
3. Your wealth is not with a person richer than you. Your money can come from someone richer than you but your wealth comes from a person you are richer than
He says that he is richer than a boda boda guy but his wealth is with the boda boda guy. He says that one has to lay strategies to get money out of the boda boda guy . This is by either building rentals to get money as rent or creating any other business such as a Chapatti eatery. Mr Ddamba says that after him creating such he can get money from a boda boda man daily or monthly.
4. Think outside the box. He says that it’s not easy for a rich man to give you more money than that you need therefore learn to re invest the money given to you as salary.
5. Sustainability. He says that one has to create measures to see that they sustain what they create , that all businesses have challenges so one should not keep moving from one business to another.
6. Carry what you can , don’t do or die. He says that this is a theory very common in uneducated families . This is because they always put their problems onto a new worker from the family. He says that no one can ever finish the troubles of a family regardless . He says that one should only do what he or she can be able to carry on .
“Giving out is good , it is not bad , but one should know that , that is not their responsibility . It’s just charity , they should know that that they have a responsibility of a future waiting for them.” Said Mr Ddamba Godfrey
7. The mango seed working. He says that when a person is eating a mango. They always say it’s a mere seed , but when this seed is thrown away it has to fight to survive to meet up with the conditions to grow into a tree and bear “fruits that people can eat” , it still has to make sure it creates more and more as seasons change. He therefore tells you to copy the mango seed working, function like it work to bear fruits under all seasons.
As a Parrots ug we look at how better the lives of people in society can change . We commit ourselves to serving society.
We hope you have learned a lot from this discussion.