By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
Government has been challenged to thoroughly investigate graft and corruption that is taking place in local governments.
The call was made by the Democratic Party (DP) Acting Spokesperson, Ismail Kiirya while addressing journalists on the ongoing corruption scandals in the country.

Kiirya decries the rampant corruption in local governments, labeling it a ‘stinking’ problem. He urges the government to expand its anti-corruption efforts beyond Kampala to districts and municipalities, where corruption is most prevalent.
He alleged that some officials on District service commissions extort money and ask for sex to approve applicants for jobs. He also noted that CAOs and the Heads of Departments (HODs) also influence the budget process of the district, and that some districts have different accounts for collecting Taxes which are all forms of corruption.

“So there’s a lot of dirty things in Local governments than what you think so let’s go down and work,” Kiirya said.
The UYD president further asked President Museveni to desist from making public comments on corruption stating that such comments weaken institutions that are fighting corruption.