By Our Reporter,
Health experts have joined hands with the Ministry of Health to distribute mosquito nets to people living in rural areas prone to malaria fever to prevent the disease.
This was revealed at the launch of the Child to Family Program on Saturday (March 16) at UMEA School in Mityana district.
Reports indicate that at least 14 children are diagnosed with mosquitoes every day in Uganda.
Dr Kenneth Mugisha, Head of Malaria Partners Uganda, says the campaign is focusing on pregnant women and school children across the country educating mothers and creating awareness on mosquitoes prevention.
He urged people to seek treatment for malaria which he said is a dangerous disease claiming lives of many Ugandans today.
The Rotaract club of Kampala North President, Caroline Bavuga said many children especially in rural schools do not know how to avoid malaria noting that Rotary (KANOs) has come out to launch an education campaign and provide treatment to people living in rural areas.
As part of the campaign, KANOs and other partners donated Ant-Malaria awareness Tshirts, planted trees at the school to promote climate justice.